domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008

When do you know how much is too MUCH?

MEREDITH: [narrating] "How do you know how much is too much? Too much too soon. Too much information. Too much fun. Too much love, or too much to ask of someone? When is it all just too much for us to bear?"
Grey's Anatomy

SU: [narrating] "Collect the pieces and move on...I rather feel much than feel nothing, at all...Even when that much, is consuming the less, that we have."
Su's Anatomy

The advice is to follow the beat!

3 comentários:

LuisElMau disse...

em que canal passa a Su's Anatomy?

Maura disse...

Deve ser no canal do Benfica, não?

su disse...

:) Tal Canal, é o nome da coisa.