domingo, 7 de setembro de 2008

Inner ME #2

Leram o #1?
Estão a ver os livros que foram brilhantemente fotografados, pour moi?


Esta música....acordei a cantar esta música, terá sido por isso que esqueci os livros? Slow emotion replay, dos srs. Tthe The.

The more I see the less I know about all those thing
I thought were wrong
or right or carved in stone. So don't ask me bout war, religion or God,
love, sex or death because

Everybody knows what's goin wrong with the world
But I don't even know what's goin on in myself

Ya gotta work out your own salvation with no explaination.
To this earth we fall. On hands and knees we crawl.
And we look up to the stars and reach out and pray to a deaf, dumb and
blind God who never explains.

Lord I've been here oh so long
I can feel it comin down on meI'm just a slow emotion replay of somebody
I used to be

2 comentários:

Lucia disse...

Ai essa cabecinha...

su disse...

Madrinha Lucy,
Isto não tem cura, LOL :)
